Professor-Siegfried-Peter-Award Conferred on Andreas Bräuer

The ProcessNet subsection “High Pressure Technology” decorated Dr. Andreas Bräuer with the Professor-Siegfried-Peter-Award for outstanding, future oriented, sustainable and published achievements.
During the annual meeting of the ProcessNet subsection “High Pressure Technology” -March 2nd, 2012 in Hamburg- the Professor-Siegfried-Peter-Award has been conferred to Dr. Andreas Bräuer. The Professor-Siegfried-Peter-Award is conferred by the ProcessNet subsection “High Pressure Technology” on behalf of the Professor-Siegfried-Peter-Foundation for outstanding, future oriented, sustainable and published achievements in the field of high pressure process engineering.
The Professor-Siegfried-Peter-Foundation –and with this the Professor-Siegfried-Peter-Award- has been established by the chair of Separation Science and Technology (Prof. Wolfgang Arlt) and the Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering of the Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in agreement with the widow Käte Peter and his son Dr. Wolfgang Peter. The conferment of the award aims to recall that Professor-Siegfried-Peter, while he has been chair professor for Chemical Engineering, has given sustainable distinction to High Pressure Engineering in Germany and in Europe as exemplary researcher and teacher.
The research achievements of Dr. Andreas Bräuer comprise especially the development and the application of optical measurement techniques for the in situ analysis of high pressure process technologies. Currently, Dr. Andreas Bräuer is heading a research group at the chair of Engineering Thermodynamics and is member of the directors’ board of the Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies, both institutions at the Friedrich-Alexander Universität- Erlangen-Nürnberg.