3 ERC Starting Grants to SAOT Young Academics
A really great success for the young academics of SAOT! In one ERC Starting Grant call (2014) three young academics were successfull in attracting funding for their proposals submitted to the ERC. The proposals sumbitted by
Edouard Berrocal from Lund University, Sweden, who is a SAOT Guest-Professor,
Björn Braunschweig from the Lehrstuhl für Feststoff- und Grenzflächenverfahrenatechnik of FAU, who is SAOT-Mentor and
Andreas Bräuer from the Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik of FAU, who is SAOT-managing director
were favourably reviewed by the ERC evaluation panels, composed of independent experts, and have been recommended for funding. The financial support per funded project is usually approximately 1.5 million Euros.
To the press release of FAU and Lund University.