Junior Researchers from US and UK at SAOT
20 Junior Researchers from the USA and UK are visiting FAU. In the context of the scholarship progamme RISE (Research Internship in Science and Education) offered by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) the junior researchers spend 12 weeks at the university. They work with doctoral candidates of SAOT on joint projects.
The stipendiaries – mostly Bachelor students – come from notable universities as Oxford, Cambridge and MIT among others and visit the FAU in order to get to know the German university system. For this year’s RISE-Program 586 Doctoral Candidates from German Universities introduced their projects on the DAAD-Portal. Students from the USA and UK could apply to those projects. As a whole 1800 applications came in and finally 300 students were invited to Germany.
“We encouraged our Doctoral Candidates to participate and provided additional incentives, like Credit Points”, says Dr. Andreas Bräuer, Director of Administration of SAOT. “Now we hope that the RISE-Students have a good and fruitful time and being back home rave about the their time at FAU and about the conditions they found here.”