Next-generation live-cell microscopy workshop in Tromsø
„In February 2020, four doctoral candidates travelled from Erlangen to the most northern university of the world, The Arctic University of Norway (UiT). Here, we participated in the workshop ‚Next-generation live-cell microscopy‘ organized by Florian Ströhl and Krisha Agarwal from the Department of Physics and Technology. The scientific program was based on insightful presentations by leading experts such as Thomas Huser, Gabriel Popescu, James Manton and others as well as on poster presentations and flash talks from doctoral candidates and students. Overall, the workshop created a very open atmosphere for interesting discussions between scientists from all possible career stages. In the evenings, we enjoyed the magnificent northern lights and the snowy charm of Tromsø.” – text by Lucas Kreiß (MBT)
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Some more impressions from our SAOT DCs: