Bernd Doll: Field Tests on Solar Cells
Photovoltaic energy generation will play a major role in the future of producing electric energy. “Outdoor photoluminescence of large area photovoltaic modules”, investigated by Bernd Doll, can act as an on-site tool for fast and cost-effective characterization of solar cells.
For investigation of the potential of photoluminescence in comparison to electroluminescence and thermography techniques, he analyzed inactive areas, cracks and other defects.
Bernd Doll works at the Institute for Materials for Electronics and Energy Technology, his supervisor is Christoph J. Brabec. The original publications can be found here. Already in 2020, Bernd Doll was awarded with a Student Award at the „EU PVSEC 2020“ for his contribution “Contactless outdoor photoluminescence of silicon photovoltaic modules with large area excitation source”.