Year: 2023

Last year, Florian Bauer published on his work on in-situ spectroscopy of soot formation. He continues his efforts in his recent publication on the “Characterisation of the transition type in optical band gap analysis of in-flame soot”. By monitoring the flame at two different positions, he uses abs...

Category: Publication Spotlight

The elasticity and flexibility of a human muscle and its contractile properties depend on the presence of reactive oxygen species as well as calcium ions. Mena Michael investigates the calcium responsiveness of muscles both during active contraction and passive stretching. He systematically assessed...

Category: Publication Spotlight

Birgit Stiller is an independent group leader at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light. Previously, she has been a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Sydney in Australia for 4 years on the subject of integrated photonic circuits. Before that, she was a postdoc in quantum optics...

Category: Scientist Spotlight