
The paper "Noninvasive measurement of pressure field arising from arbitrarily-shaped ultrasound transducers" by Lizhuo Chen, Stefan J. Rupitsch and Reinhard Lerch from the Lehrstuhl für Sensorik received the Best Student Paper Award at the 16th VDI/ITG congress.

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SAOT graduate Dr. Andreas Fieselmann from the "Pattern Recognition Lab" has been distinguished during the 93rd German X-ray congress in Hamburg. The award is based on his contributions in the field of C-arm based perfusion imaging.

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The ProcessNet subsection “High Pressure Technology” decorated Dr. Andreas Bräuer with the Professor-Siegfried-Peter-Award for outstanding, future oriented, sustainable and published achievements. During the annual meeting of the ProcessNet subsection “High Pressure Technology” -March 2nd, 2012 i...

Category: News

Recently a proposal for the establishment of new Research Training Group on HETEROGENEOUS IMAGE SYSTEMS has been accepted by the German Research Foundation (DFG). DFG provides funding of 4.5 Mio€ for the Research Training Group for 4.5 years starting on October 1st, 2012. The application has been co...

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In recognition of his contributions to ultrasonic transducer technology and computer modeling of sensors and actuators Professor Reinhard Lerch has been elevated to IEEE Fellow, effective 1st January 2012.

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The paper Tsung-Han Tsai, Benjamin Potsaid, Martin F. Kraus, Chao Zhou, Yuankai K. Tao, Joachim Hornegger, and James G. Fujimoto Piezoelectric-transducer-based miniature catheter for ultrahigh-speed endoscopic optical coherence tomography Biomedical Optics Express 2, 2438-2448 (2011) has a p...

Category: News

The Russian Bavarian Conference on Biomedical Engineering was held in Erlangen from 10. until 14. October 2011. Several contributions from the SAOT members were presented at the conference. The SAOT cooperation partner "MIET" (National Research University for Electronic Technology Moscow) was involv...

Category: News

The University of Maribor (Slovenia) conferred the title “Doctor Honoris Causa” upon Professor Alfred Leipertz in recognition of his outstanding contribution to the development of scientific research at the Faculty of Energy Technology of the University of Maribor, knowledge transfer and the promoti...

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