
A really great success for the young academics of SAOT! In one ERC Starting Grant call (2014) three young academics were successfull in attracting funding for their proposals submitted to the ERC. The proposals sumbitted by Edouard Berrocal from Lund University, Sweden, who is a SAOT Guest-Profes...

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Professor Philip Russell, Director at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light and PI of the Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) was awarded the Berthold Leibinger Zukunftspreis 2014 for the invention of the Photonic Crystal Fibre. More information

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The International Comission for Optics conferred the ICO Prize 2014 to SAOT Visiting Professor and Awardee of the SAOT Young Researcher Award Martin Booth for his innovative and pioneering research on dynamic optical methods and new approaches to adaptive optics. Read more

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The "Deutsche Gesellschaft für Gastroenterologie, Verdauungs, und Stoffwechselkrankheiten (DGVS)" conferred the endoscopy research award (15000€) to SAOT Junior professor Maximilian Waldner for his work on "Label-Free Imaging of Inflammatory Bowel Disease Using Multiphoton Microscopy“.

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The German Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery for SAOT conferred her annual award to SAOT mentor PD Dr. Dr. Florian Stelzle for his work on Tissue-Specific Laser Surgery - Foundations and Transfer to Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

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SAOT Coordinator and head of the Lehrstuhl für Photonische Technologien (LPT) Michael Schmidt has received one of 42 MEGA Grants awarded by the Russion government to excellent scientists. The grant of 2 million Euros aims to initialize a laboratory on additive manufacturing process focussing on addi...

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SAOT members Martin Wimmer, Alois Regensburger, Georgy Onishchukov und Ulf Peschel publish LETTER in Nature Physics. Optical diametric drive acceleration through action–reaction symmetry breaking DOI: 10.1038/NPHYS2777

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Professor Helmut Neumann, who is also Mentor of SAOT, has been awarded the Endoscopy Award of the German Gastroenterology Association. The award comprises a prize money of 15000€, which is the prize with the highest renumeration in this field.

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