To monitor the material’s topography in laser machining, optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a promising imaging technique, which goes beyond the state-of-the-art methods like laser triangulation. In his latest publication, Thomas Will identified relevant Features for image processing of OCT image...
In his latest publication, Florian Kordon presents a “Multi-Stage Platform for (Semi-)Automatic Planning in Reconstructive Orthopedic Surgery”. He developed a deep-learning algorithm for anatomical feature detection, which enables precise pre- and intra-operative surgery planning based on 2D X-ray i...
For her latest publication “Tailoring the Nature of Interface States in Efficient and Stable Bilayer Organic Solar Cells by a Transfer-Printing Technique”, Rong Wang developed a novel fabrication method, which enables solar cells containing two layers with a sharply defined planar interface. By regu...
Spray flame synthesis is a powerful tool for the generation of functionalized nanoparticles, yet sophisticated measurement techniques are required to investigate droplet evolution and nanoparticle formation in such a complex process. In his recent publication, “In Situ Determination of Droplet and N...
Laser-based additive manufacturing enables the realization of steel-based products in sophisticated new shapes. Dominic Bartels published on the “In situ modification of case-hardening steel 16MnCr5 by C and WC addition by means of powder bed fusion with laser beam of metals (PBF-LB/M)”. He investig...
For the first time, Manuel Kerscher determined the “Viscosity and Surface Tension of Benzene at Saturation Conditions from Surface Light Scattering”. His results consolidate the capability of surface light scattering as an accurate absolute measurement technique for the simultaneous determination of...
Thermoplastic foams are used in a broad variety of applications. The resulting foam properties are governed by the nucleation and bubble growth behavior, which are both strongly influenced by the thermophysical properties of the blowing-agent-loaded polymer melt. Especially knowledge on diffusion co...
Marc-Oliver Pleinert’s focus of research is the experimental validation of results emerging from quantum theory. By “Testing Higher-Order Quantum Interference with Many-Particle States”, he set a new benchmark in experimental studies of higher-order interference. He successfully observed two-particl...
Thermal lensing is an unwanted effect in optics used for high-power laser imaging. The high light intensity causes a heat up of the lenses which induces a focus shift. To tackle this issue, Phillip Rall recently presented a “Simulation and compensation of thermal lensing in high-power optical system...
Yakun He successfully worked on “Unraveling the Charge-Carrier Dynamics from the Femtosecond to the Microsecond Time Scale in Double-Cable Polymer-Based Single-Component Organic Solar Cells”. She investigated the charge carrier dynamics of a representative polymer across seven orders of magnitude in...