53rd Academy (Munich, 10.02.2025 to 14.02.2025 – Winter Academy)
The scientific program comprised the courses
- “Quality Assessment in Additive Manufacturing of Polymers” (Dr.-Ing. Sebastian-Paul Kopp)
- Basics of Optics (Dr. Hohmann)
52nd Academy (Erlangen, 02.10.2023 to 06.10.2022 – Entrance Academy)
51st Academy (Waischenfeld, 22.07.2024 to 26.07.2024 – Summer Academy)
The scientific program comprised the course “Laser – Theory and Application” (QOQI, Prof. Dr. Joachim von Zanthier)
50th Academy (Oberhof, 11.03.2024 to 15.03.2024 – Winter Academy)
The scientific program comprised the course “Application of Dynamic Light Scattering in Biomedical Systems” (AOT-TP, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas P. Fröba)
49th Academy (Erlangen, 02.10.2023 to 06.10.2022 – Entrance Academy)
48th Academy (Academy, 24.07.2023 to 28.07.2023 – Summer Academy)
The scientific program comprised the course “Display technologies” (Dr. Andres Osvet)
47th Academy (Schwangau, 27.02.2023 to 03.03.2023 – Winter Academy)
The courses were:
- Course A: Basics of Optics (Dr. Hohmann)
- Course B: Research Data Management (Dr. Plass) – Contents: Basics and Tools of Research Data Management, Publishing Ways
46th Academy (Erlangen, 30.09.2022 to 10.10.2022 – Entrance Academy)
45th Academy (Waischenfeld, 25.07.2022 to 29.07.2022 – Summer Academy)
The courses were:
- Collaborative workshop: Writing papers and theses on optical technologies – Concepts, Texts, Figures (Dr. Max Gmelch)
- Optics development with ZEMAX OpticStudio (Dr. Volker Türck)
44th Academy (Erlangen, 28.02.2022 to 04.03.2022 – Winter Academy)
The courses were:
- A brief introduction to photovoltaics (Dr. Osbel Almora Rodríguez)
- Ultra-short laser pulses in nonlinear optics (Dr. Kristian Cvecek)
43rd Academy (Erlangen, 04.10.2021 to 11.10.2020 – Entrance Academy)
42nd Academy (Erlangen, 26.07.2021 to 30.07.2021 – Summer Academy)
The scientific program comprised the course “Optical Phenomena in Everyday Life” (AOT-TP: Fröba, Knorr, Lenahan, Kerscher, Wu, Piszko)
41st Academy (Erlangen, 15.02.2021 to 18.02.2021 – Winter Academy)
The Winter Academy 2021 dealt intensively with the topic “Modern Biophotonics” (MBT: Friedrich, Schürmann, Kappes, Kreiß)
40th Academy (Erlangen, 19.10.2020 to 26.10.2020 – Entrance Academy)
39th Academy (Erlangen, 27.07.2020 to 31.07.2020 – Summer Academy)
The courses were:
- Photoacoustic imaging for biomedical applications (LPT: Klämpfl, Lengenfelder, Späth)
- ZEMAX OpticStudio (Dr. Volker Türck)
38th Academy (Erlangen, 02.03.2020 to 06.03.2020 – Winter Academy)
The scientific program comprised the course “How to build a laser – modelling and practical examples” (Computer Science 10: Pflaum, Rall, Springer)
37th Academy (Erlangen, 30.09.2019 to 07.10.2019 – Entrance Academy)
36th Academy (Waischenfeld, 19.08.2019 to 23.08.2019 – Summer Academy)
The courses were:
- Application of Dynamic Light Scattering in Biomedical Systems (AOT-TP: Fröba, Piszko, Klein)
- Turning dark field illumination into a bright solution for EUV lithography (ASML)
35th Academy (Oberhof, 24.02.2019 to 01.03.2019 – Winter Academy)
The courses were:
- Life Cell Microscopy: Applications and Solutions to Life Sciences and Cell Biology (Friedrich, Simon, Gilbert, Schürmann – FAU)
- Inverse analysis in optical diagnostics (Daun – University of Waterloo, Huber – FAU)
- Fundamental of Optics (Hohmann – FAU)
34th Academy (Erlangen, 02.10.2018 to 10.10.2018 – Entrance Academy)
33rd Academy (Illmitz, 22.07.2018 to 27.07.2018 – Summer Academy)
The courses were:
- Optical Data Processing & Optical Invariant Patterns Recognition (Zalevsky – Bar-Ilan University, Israel)
- The physics of imaging with light (Jesacher – Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria)
- Optical Phenomena in Everyday Life (Eichhorn, Fröba, Giraudet – Friedrich-Alexander-Universität, Germany)
32nd Academy (Hamburg, 25.02.2018 to 02.03.2018 – Winter Academy)
The courses were:
- Inverse Analysis in Optical Diagnotics (Daun – University of Waterloo)
- Super resolved near and far field imaging (Zalevsky – Bar-Ilan University)
- Life Cell Microscopy: Applications and Solutions to Life Science and Cell Biology (Schürmann, Gilbert, Simon – FAU)
31st Academy (Erlangen, 26.09.2017 to 04.10.2017 – Entrance Academy)
30th Academy (Schmitten, 30.07.2017 to 04.08.2017 – Summer Academy)
The academy took place at the Naturpark Hotel Weilquelle in Schmitten (Taunus).
The courses were:
- Revolution of the resolution (Erdmann – FAU Horstmeyer – Charité Berlin)
- Solar Photovoltaic to Power Electrical Vehicles (Baumgartner – ZHAW)
29th Academy (Hamburg, 05.03.2017 to 10.03.2017 – Winter Academy)
The academy took place at the Hotel Engel in Hamburg.
The courses were:
- Course A
Fluorescence in biomedical research and clinical practice
Bianca Menchicchi, Jean Gonzales-Menezes, Maximilian Waldner (Medical Department 1) - Course B
Inverse analysis in optical diagnostics
Kyle Daun (Department of Mechanical and Mechatronics Engineering, University of Waterloo), Mr. Franz Huber (Lehrstuhl für Technische Thermodynamik, FAU) - Course C
Instructor: Andreas Maier (Head of the Pattern Recognition Lab, FAU)
28th Academy (Erlangen, 27.09.2016 to 04.10.2016 – Entrance Academy)
27th Academy (Bad Aibling, 17.07.2016 to 22.07.2016 – Summer Academy)
The academy took place at the Hotel St. Georg.
The courses were:
- Course A
Optical System Design with OpticStudio
Claudia Gorschboth (Hembach Photonics) - Course B
“Femtosecond Laser Pulses: Principles and Applications in Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy”
Björn Braunschweig (Lehrstuhl für Festsstoff- und Grenzflächenverfahrenstechnik LFG) - Course C
“Refractive index: From the Bar-light to the Spot-light”
Dr. Shane Cadogan and Dr. Cédric Giraudet
26th Academy (Eyba, 13.03.2016 to 18.03.2016 – Winter Academy)
The participants stayed at the Schlosshotel Eyba in Thüringen.
- Course A
Diffractive Optics and Computer Generated Holography - Course B
Life Cell Microscopy: Applications and Solutions to LIfe Sciences and Cell Biology - Course C
Photoacoustic Tomography
25th Academy (Erlangen, 29.09.2015 to 05.10.2015 – Entrance Academy)
24th Academy (Bad Aibling 26.07.2015 to 31.07.2015 – Summer Academy)
The academy took place in the Hotel St. Georg in Bad Aibling.
- Course A – Lasers: Theory and Applications
- Course B – Optical Phenomena in Everyday Life
23rd Academy (Weimar, 08.03.2015 to 13.03.2015 – Winter Academy)
The participants stayed at the Amalienhof in the center of Weimar.
- Course A – Flat-Panel-CT-Reconstruction (Andreas Maier)
- Course B – Diffractive Optics and Computer Generated Holography (Zeev Zalevsky)
- Course C – Fundamental Optics (Ilya Alexeev)
22nd Academy (Erlangen, 29.09.2014 to 05.10.2014 – Entrance Academy)
21st Academy (Vienna, 13.07.2014 to 18.07.2014 – Summer Academy)
The academy took place at the JUFA Vienna
The participants could choose between three different courses:
- Prof. Fröba – Application of Dynamic Light Scattering
- Prof. Ryssel – The generation of light
- Prof. Baumgartner – Solar Photovoltaic to Power Electrical Vehicles
20th Academy (Oberhof, 09.03.2014 to 14.03.2014 – Winter Academy)
The academy took place in Oberhof at the “Ferienzentrum Oberhof/Rennsteig”.
- A – Nanophotonics: Optics on Subwavelength scales
- B – Life Cell Microscopy: Applications and Solutions to Life Sciences and Cell Biology
- C – Advanced Biophotonics and Bioimaging
19th Academy (Erlangen, 30.09.2013 to 07.10.2013 – Entrance Academy)
18th Academy (Oranienburg, 21.07.2013 to 26.07.2013 – Summer Academy)
The academy took place at the “Hotel an der Havel”.
17th Academy (Hintertux, 16.03.2013 to 23.03 2013 – Winter Academy)
The courses were:
- Course A – Ophthalmic Optics – Challenges and Limitations (Prof. Dr. A. Langenbucher, Dipl.-Ing. M. Gillner, Dr. S. Arnold)
- Course B – Basics of electro-optical imaging systems (hardware prospective) (Dr. Ilya Alexeev, Dr. Michael Kelm)
- Course C – Resonators and their use in optics (Prof. Dr. Nicolas Joly, Dr. Matthew Foreman)
16th Academy (Erlangen, 19.11.2012 to 23.11.2012 – Entrance Academy)
15th Academy (Nice, 15.09.2012 to 22.09.2012 – Summer Academy)
14th Academy (Hintertux, 20.02.2012 to 27.02.2012 – Winter Academy)
13th Academy (Erlangen, 10.10.2011 to 14.10.2011 – Entrance Academy)
The academy was structured in the same way as the previous entrance academies. Thus the lectures were given by the principal investigators on the first four days and on the last day the participants sat for the examination. The lectures covered the topics: Fundamentals in optical technologies, Optical materials and systems, Optical metrology, Optical material processing, Optics in medicine, Optics in communication and information technologies and Computational optics.
12th Academy (Dresden, 01.08.2011 to 05.08.2011 – Summer Academy)
11th Academy (Hintertux, 19.02.2011 to 26.02.2011 – Winter Academy)
10th Academy (Erlangen, 04.10.2010 to 08.10.2010 – Entrance Academy)
9th Academy (Cologne, 24.07.2010 to 31.07.2010 – Summer Academy)
8th Academy (Hintertux, 20.02.2010 to 27.02.2010 – Winter Academy)
7th Academy (Erlangen, 23.11.2009 to 27.11.2009 – Entrance Academy)
6th Academy (Rostock, 26.07.2009 to 01.08.2009 – Summer Academy)
5th Academy (Obertauern, 16.02.2009 – 20.02.2009 – Winter Academy)
The winter academy 2009 combined science and skiing in Obertauern in Austria.
4th Academy (Erlangen, 24.08.2008 to 28.08.2008 – Entrance Academy)
The 2008 SAOT entrance academy was also an intensive lecture for the first semester students of MAOT.
3rd Academy (Lake Chiemsee, 20.07.2008 to 25.07.2008 – Summer Academy)
2nd Academy (Erlangen, 18.02.2008 to 22.02.2008, Winter Academy)
In the second SAOT academy all SAOT students got lectures in basics of the six SAOT topics. The lectures were given by principal investigators and mentors. At the last day of the academy all students had to pass an exam – and did it!
1st Academy (Erlangen, 05.08.2007 to 06.08.2007 – Entrance Academy)