Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies
Get Together
The next SAOT Get Together will take place on Wednesday, April 2nd, 17:45, at the seminar room EG 00.030, Konrad-Zuse-Straße 3, 91052 Erlangen. 🙂
Register by March 26th:
I will participate in the SAOT Get Together (0.5 CP) on 02.04.2025 at 17:45 at SAOT (Seminar room EG 00.030, Konrad-Zuse-Straße 3, 91052 Erlangen). Register until 26.03.2025.
First Name (required)
Family Name (required)
Email (required)
I'd like to give a short talk on 'PhD softskills' (~10 min, 1 CP) Talks on 'PhD softskills' may cover a very broad range of topics. The focus should not be on your research, but on practical knowledge which helped you in your work. This may include, but is not limited to: project management, lab skills, 'How to choose the right journal/conference', tips&tricks for paper writing, programming hacks,... Basically any topic that covers 'If only I had known that from the start' is welcome. Feel free to bring your own ideas! Topic of the talk (preliminary)
Food preferences: vegetarian food none-vegetarian food
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