Contact list

Carola Forster, M. Sc.

Thermo-fluid dynamic investigation and modelling of melt pool in laser beam welding
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 3/5
91052 Erlangen

Florian Nahr, M. Sc.

Influence of Beam Profiles and Scan Strategies on the Processing of Metals in PBF-LB
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 3/5
91052 Erlangen

Dr. rer. nat. Max Gmelch

Director of Administration and Outreach
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 3-5
91052 Erlangen

Maximilian Marschall, M.Sc.

Evolution of Optical Properties of Polymer Powder During PBF-LB/P process and heat influence

Dongqin Ni, M. Sc.

Investigation of ns-pumped random laser
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 3/5
91052 Erlangen

Ziwen Zhai, M. Sc.

Paul-Gordan-Straße 8
91052 Erlangen

Peter Lang, M.Sc.

Optical Study of flame spray pyrolysis for gas phase synthesis of nanoparticles
Am Weichselgarten 8
91058 Erlangen