Credit Point System
The general structure of the SAOT Credit Point System (CPS) is summarized in Table 1. In total each Doctoral Candidate (DC) has to collect 90 CPs minimum. These 90 CPs can be collected in 3 different sections which are Science, Education, and Additional.
Information about how to collect Credit Points, please click here: SAOT_CPS_Details.(very important!)
DCs can request their CP transcript (for explanations, see CP_Transcript_Details) by contacting
Please also see the “Instructions for Members” given at the end of this page.

Instructions for Members
Abstracts, Proceedings, Book Chapters, or Journal Papers
SAOT must be affiliated, if SAOT is expected to reimburse the travel expenses, or if one author receives complete or partial funding by SAOT:
- Scholarship
- Salary or
- Equipment
Of course, others should feel encouraged to mention SAOT in the affiliations, too.
Abstracts, Proceedings, Book Chapters, or Journal Papers
SAOT must be affiliated, if one author receives complete or partial funding by SAOT:
- Scholarship
- Salary or
- Equipment
Of course, others should feel encouraged to mention SAOT in the affiliations, too.
Besides the affiliation of your institute, please use:
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU), Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT), Paul-Gordan-Str. 6, 91052 Erlangen, Germany
SAOT must be mentioned in the Acknowledgements always, if one author is SAOT member. This should be written as follows:
The authors gratefully acknowledge funding of the Erlangen Graduate School in Advanced Optical Technologies (SAOT) by the Bavarian State Ministry for Science and Art.
Please do not forget to add the acknowledgements, even if SAOT was already affiliated. Please do not forget to add the acknowledgements, even if you submit an one page abstract only.
Journal Papers, Books, and Book Chapter
Please inform SAOT ( via email about the publication NOT-RELATED to conferences, as soon as it has been published and can be cited completely (not when it was submitted, accepted or online published). Please send the DOI of the publication and attach a PDF of the publication as it has been published.
Journal Papers, Books, and Book Chapter
Please inform SAOT ( about the publication of a conference publication, as soon as it has been published (not when it was submitted, accepted or online published). Please fill the journal_form and the conference form (including information about a proceeding if the conference publication was more than 2 pages) and attach the conference publication, as it has been published in the conference proceedings or conference book. If the conference publication is published in a journal, which is ranked within the science citation index – please mention this fact explicitly – also treat this publication as a journal publication not related to conferences and submit it as described above. Please also provide the name of the person who actually gave the presentation.
Please inform SAOT ( about any thesis you have supervised (e.g. Bachelor’s or Master’s Thesis). Please fill in the supervision thesis form and mind that you have to send it electronically and a print-out with a signature of your Principal Investigator.
Please inform SAOT ( about any teaching activites you have done (e.g. Lab courses, lectures or exercises). Please fill in the Teaching Activites form and keep in mind that you have to send an electronic version and a print-out with a signature of your Principal Investigator.
After you have successfully defended your PhD thesis and meet all criteria of the credit point system, you can request the final SAOT certificate by contacting In doing so, please include a scanned copy of your doctoral certificate as well as an address to which we can send the SAOT certificate.