Photonic Fibers, Materials and Devices
From photovoltaics and semiconductors to microstructured devices, glasses and molecular assemblies, Erlangen is a widely-known site for photonic material technologies. Research activities comprise the fabrication and the characterization of innovative photonic structures and their implementation into prototype as well as large-scale applications.
Around 30 research groups focus on the design of light-absorbing and emitting materials, laser-treated glasses, microresonators and molecular machines, as well as on their investigation using approaches such as state-of-the-art spectroscopy, electron microscopy, or X-ray tomography. In addition, Erlangen is one of the world’s leading spots for research on photonic crystal fibers.
Research and Scientist Spotlights related to Photonic Fibers, Materials and Devices
Birgit Stiller
Bernd Witzigmann
Philip Russell
CRC 1411 – Design of Particulate Products
Functional Nanoparticles
Fiber Technology
Full List of Research Groups in Erlangen related to Photonic Fibers, Materials and Devices
Below, all corresponding research groups in Erlangen are listed. An overview of the affiliated SAOT representatives is found in the SAOT Principal Investigators and Associate Investigators sections.
Optoelectronics, Power Electronics, Semicondoctor Devices
Prof. Dr. sc. techn. Bernd Witzigmann
Department of Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering
Institute of Optoelectonics
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-28952
- Email:
- Website:
New Glass Materials, Optical Functionalization, Laser Glass Interaction
Prof. Dr. Dominique de Ligny
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Chair of Glass and Ceramics
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-27553
- Email:
- Website:
Nanocrystals for Electronic Device Developments and Photonic Applications
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Heiß
Synthesis, Processing and Application of Complex Functional Particles
Prof. Dr. Robin Klupp Taylor
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
- Email:
- Website:
Light Conversion Materials for Medicine and Energy Technology
PD Dr. Miroslaw Batentschuk
Microwave & THz Systems, Wave Based Imaging, Radar, RFID, Applied Machine Learning
Self-Assembly, Hierarchical Structure Formation and Functional Interfaces
Design, processing and optical characterization of particle systems
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Peukert
Institute of Mechanical Process Engineering
- Email:
- Website:
Optical Fiber Sensor Systems, Optical Communication, Medical Photonics
Prof. Dr. Bernhard Schmauss
Lehrstuhl für Hochfrequenztechnik (LHFT)
- Email:
- Website:
Advanced Electron Microscopy, Optical and X-Ray Microscopy/Tomography
Prof. Dr. Erdmann Spiecker
Self-Organization of Colloidal Particles for Defined Nanostructured Materials
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Nicolas Vogel
Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Chair of Interface and Particle Technology (Prof. Dr. Vogel)
- Phone number: +49 9131 85-20357
- Email:
- Website:
Organic, Inorganic and Hybrid Semiconductors for Energy Devices
Prof. Dr. Christoph J. Brabec
- Email:
- Website:
Computational Optics, Laser Simulation, High Performance Computing
Prof. Dr. Christoph Pflaum
Department of Computer Science (Numerical Simulation using Highest-Performance Computers)
- Email:
- Website:
New Molecular Hybrids, Quantum Dots, Quantum Rods and Nanoparticles
Ultrafast Light-Matter Interaction, Electron Acceleration, Nano Optics
Prof. Dr. Peter Hommelhoff
Department of Condensed Matter Physics
Optical and Electronical Properties of Novel Low Dimensional Materials
Development of Optical Simulation Tools and Design of Optical Systems and Elements (formerly also Optical Metrology)
Prof. Dr. Norbert Lindlein
Institut für Optik, Information und Photonik
Preparative Methods for Nanostructured Inorganic Materials and Interfaces
Structural, Electronic and Dynamical Processes of and at Solid Surfaces
Molecular Machines, Functional Supramolecular Systems, Photochemistry
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory, Models of Strongly Correlated Compounds
Vibronic Properties of Solids, Semiconductor Spectroscopy
Model Studies in Interface and Materials Science
Electronical and Optical Properties of Semiconductor Surfaces and Interfaces
Magnetoplasmonic Nanoheterodimers, Plasmonically driven Photochromics
X-Ray Spectroscopy at Interfaces of Thin Films and Layer Stacks
X-Ray and Neutron Diffraction for Crystallography and Material Sciences
Prof. Dr. Rainer Hock
Optical nanostructures for spectral sensing
Dr. Stephan Junger
Computational Lithography, Optical and EUV Lithography, Photopolymers
PD Dr. rer. nat. Andreas Erdmann
Department of Electrical-Electronic-Communication Engineering
Chair of Electron Devices
- Phone number: +4909131761-258
- Email:
- Website:
Photonic Crystal Fibers (PCF), Nonlinear Optics in PCF, Development of quantum optics sources using photonic crystal fibres
Prof. Dr. Nicolas Joly
Professur für Experimentalphysik (Photonik) - FAU
Integrated Microphotonic Devices, Soliton Frequency Combs, Nonlinear Photonics
Dr. Pascal Del’Haye
Fabrication of Photonic Crystal and Microstructured Fibers
Dr. Michael Frosz
Development and Application of Photonic Crystal Fibers
Prof. Dr. Philip Russell
Russell Division: Photonic Crystal Fibre Science
- Email:
- Website:
Light-Sound Interactions and Waveguide Optomechanics
Dr. Birgit Stiller
Institute of Optics, Information and Photonics
Chair of Experimental Physics
- Email:
- Website: